And now, thank you to ClassyChassy of Expressly Corgi and ocmist of Country Corgi for two Top Ten Blogs That Make My Heart Smile Awards! As you may have discovered, Expressly Corgi and Country Corgi are among the best blogs in the universe, and we would give this award right back to them if we could!
...but the rules for this award are...
1) The winner may put the logo on their blog
2) Put a link to the person who sent you the award
3) Nominate 10 blogs2) Put a link to the person who sent you the award
4) Leave a message for your nominees for: Top Ten Blogs that Makes Me Smile
And Teggie would like to give barks to her Top Ten Blogs that Make Her Smile:
The envelope please... oh, naturally Teg ate it...
OK, en français...
Un..........Corgi Butts
Trois.......Chantels Fave Things
Quatre....Colorado Lady
Cinq.......The Senakames | Corgi + 2.5
Six.........The Corgi Lounge
Sept.......My Boo Bear
Huit.......My Favorite People Are Dogs
Neuf.......Three Commies and a Corgi
:::bouncing, bouncing, bouncing::: Love you all! :::Corgi Licks:::
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