After framing and hanging lots of paintings and prints that were piling up for months, it's time to expand our Corgi art collection again. It's fun to search for Corgi art online--please let me know if you make any!

I (finally) found
Cathy Santarsiero's The Christmas Corgi. She is an amazing artist, and paints adorable Corgis. Check out the "
Mad Scientists", where Corgis in lab coats appear busy creating Tesla's lightning and performing curious lab experiments. My science-loving son truly appreciates this piece (it activates his funny bone) so it has found a place in our collection.

Her agility pieces are my next target--there are several in the nub-loving agility series. In "
Agility Corgis Gone Wild", Cathy explains that "performance Corgis took over the course while their owners were reportedly distracted by Cosmopolitans and Chocolate Martinis, although this can not be confirmed. A Conga line was started by 2 non-qualifiers. Jump bars were intentionally knocked down to serve as impromptu limbo poles." --See why I love her?

As I have mentioned before,
ClassyChassy has excellent Corgi cards. In my experience, even quick and simple correspondence brings big grins when sent with Corgi smiles like these. I use place card holders to display my favorites on my bookshelf.

I found comical cards, including a Corgi splat in which the little furkid is so far into the kibble bag, only the famous Corgi butt is visible. You can bet that butt's going on the bookshelf display! Plus, ClassyChassy donates 10% of her sales to the
Lakeshore Welsh Corgi Rescue. How cool is that?!?
As famous among Corgi lovers as these talented women are, they don't necessarily need my promotion here, but I could not help gushing just a little...

Just thought I would toss up a photo of Teggie's nursery. Turns out reading the directions saves a lot of cursing the engineers of that Pet Gear crate. But it has a neat handle on the right with a comfort grip so that it can be rolled around with ease, it has the garage door feature which just "snaps into place" during assembly...if you let your son do it for you...and it comes with a lovely plush liner.
The garage door slides all the way in, but I wanted to show off that feature. You can open the top, too, to drop the Corgi in if she's not too keen on the crate at first, I guess. But leaving one side open and offering it as a Corgi bed appeals to me, and there is no crate door sticking out to bang my shins on... Perfect!
If you have not already seen it,
go watch Gibson the Corgi win Tug-O-War against the Lab. Priceless!
How adorable is that crate - just waiting for your new puppy to snuggle up in it!!! What good times you will have!!! (and what protection your shins will have with that neat-o garage door!!!) Thanks for the mention of my shop - and Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue! They are truly deserving of any help and donations! They rescued a great number of corgis last year, and have a record high this year currently in foster homes! What a team they are!
Yes, I am that clumsy, so I need a door that rolls away. Truly, you should some my shins sometime. ;)
I'm so glad that you support the Corgi rescue. And when I buy from you, so do I! That's really cool.
You're going to have so much fun with a corgi in the house! There's nothing like it!
Wait until you see the frapping...(frantic running and playing) it's a real hoot!
Yes, a corgi is truly wonderful to have in the house... only problem... You can't have just one!!! You wait and see!
Since you mentioned that you hunt for corgi art online, I thought I'd mention that I have a few pictures on my store:
I've also sold ACEO Corgi art on Ebay.
I've been talking to Monica (ClassyChassy)about getting an Etsy Shop.
Hope you are starting to do much better... You've got a "happy maker," as we call Corgis, coming your way!
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